Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Ground Reaction Forces Applied for Golf Swing - Center Of Pressure

This video is an overview description of pressure and center of pressure measurements in the golf swing, followed by an explanation of entry level training of foot to ground interaction in the golf swing:

Center of Pressure between the two feet is influenced by not only the amount of force applied through the foot into the ground by to a large extent the direction of the applied force.  Keeping a good foot-ground interface through out back swing, transition and down swing is important for creating good force and a good pattern of force application.

some related research:

Pressure - Wikipedia
Center of Pressure - Wikipedia
Plantar Center of Pressure and it’s Effect on Golf Swing Distance and Accuracy
An Analysis Of The Kinetics And Kinematics Of The Golf Swing
Biomechanics of shoe-ground interaction in golf


  1. Thanks for all your hard work on this video. I would love to see you compare center of pressures and ground reaction forces between the currently prominent swing style and the Mike Austin swing.

  2. sounds interesting... what do you think the main differences would be?

  3. Thanks Chris. Good explanation in basic terms. Great job!
