Monday, February 18, 2013

Are back-off sets useful after a strength workout?

great research summary on using a "back-off set" after a strength workout

Are back-off sets useful after a strength workout?

"The researchers concluded that the combined 4-week training program led to a larger increase in 1RM leg press than the simple 4-week strength program followed by the normal group. The only difference between the two programs was the addition of a single set at 50% of 1RM after the main sets."

"What are the practical implications? For strength and power athletes: Adding a back-off set at 50% of 1RM following a workout involving a strength protocol at high percentages of 1RM (e.g. 85 – 90%) may increase strength and size gains without compromising gains in power."

... I will definitely be adding a back-off set to see if it impacts my strength building protocols...

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