Thursday, May 16, 2013

ZenoLink Cycling 3D Animation

teaser of the the ZenoLink 3D cycling application.... will follow with animation, data overlay and power production information!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Soccer Kick KINETIC LINK 3D Animation

Bryce Harper Swing Analysis - Lower Body Power

what we can learn from inaccuracies in the Bryce Harper Swing article, Washington Post

when analysis of mechanics drivers or biomechanics is based on aesthetics it tends to focus on obvious external events, unfortunately the obvious external events very rarely coincide with important driving mechanism - the key elements of power and movement are things that we can't "see" and usually happen well before the visual event we are focused on

the good thing is that we can "measure" these key events using 3D motion capture and other tools including force plates and EMG

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

ZenoLink Soccer Kick Kinetic Link

Soccer kick kinetic link from an elite male collegiate player.

Sequence: Pelvis rotates rapidly in a counter clockwise direction, just after plant leg contact with ground. Pelvis then quickly decelerates as the kick leg hip rapidly flexes, resulting in knee flexion, loading the quad (stretch-shorten, active eccentric load). Just before the foot strikes the ball, hip flexion decelerates, facilitating a ballistic knee extension of the kick leg.
3D animation of the soccer kick kinetic link:

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

ZenoLink Basketball Pound / Ball Handling Analysis

#ZenoLink Basketball Pound Animation

Pound dribbling drill to measure power and ball speed retention.  Acceleration is key to creating the highest ball speed retention on rebound back to the hand.  The faster the ball gets back to the hand the less time in the air and the more time the player has control of it, minimizing the ability for a defender to steal it and also maximizing control over movement and direction.

Better acceleration of the ball is a result of better dribble arm, elbow extension acceleration, which in turn is a result of core and lower body stability and power/speed transfer.  The better the ball accelerates the better is reaches highest speed closer to the ground which in turn results in better rebound and return speed.